Hyperbolic Stretching By Alex Larsson

Body flexibility is one aspect that has daunted even the most professional athletes. The human body is extremely adaptable, but most workouts focus on muscle building, strength building and endurance. To fully unleash the sports performance of our body we need flexibility, a high degree of flexibility.

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Unfortunately, not many stretching techniques other than traditional workouts are known. Even the sports experts agree that the best performers focus on the right stretches rather than relying on regular muscle-building exercises.

If you are also looking beyond simple bodybuilding exercises to stay in shape Hyperbolic Stretching is one of the most popular programs available.

After a general search, I found out that this program is claimed to highly effective in changing muscle strength significantly. But just online reviews were not enough for me, I had to try the program myself to believe it.

What you are about to read is my in-depth analysis of the Hyperbolic Stretching program. I will elaborate on everything about this four-week program that you must know.

What is Hyperbolic Stretching? 

A program created by Alex Larsson, Hyperbolic Stretching is a program that is designed to make the pelvic muscles stronger, adding to the flexibility and improving the endurance level.

I have experimented with over a dozen workouts for improving my flexibility but none of those programs claimed to help my stretch by spending just 8 minutes a day on exercises. That’s exactly what the Hyperbolic Stretching program is said to offer. Furthermore, Alex Larsson quoted that the exercises devised for this program can be performed without any warmup session. Simply put, the claims appeared to be too good for me to take the program seriously but as I always accept challenges, I was curious to complete the entire 4-week course.

The Creator-Alex Larsson 

Alex Larsson is the brain behind the program who created Hyperbolic Stretching out of his experience. Working as a programmer, Larsson used to spend 8-10 hours sitting in from of a PC almost every day. That was his life until one day, after 12 hours of coding he was not able to stand up from his chair. Upon taken to the emergency room, he was informed that he has suffered neuro-muscular shutdown of his lower back, thigh muscles, and hips.

Left completely paralyzed, Larsson was told by doctors that it might take up months before his neuro-muscle system reactivates. This is why he tried to try the Hyperbolic Stretching on himself. Supposedly, the rehabilitation was to take months, Larsson was able to stand on his feet again within four weeks. In his own words, “I discovered surprisingly simple “neuromuscular loophole” everyone else, including sports specialists and athletic experts, overlooked.

At this point, it became inevitable for me to go through the entire 4-week course. Throughout the course, I took notes that I know I will want to share with others. 

I summarized these notes into pros and cons. But before that, I think it would help to answer some FAQs.

Is the Hyperbolic Stretching program effective? 

Yes. Like me, you might also not buying the claims, but this is one of the rare fitness programs that is true to its words.

Do I need any equipment for Hyperbolic Stretching workouts? 

No. Entire four-week course is based on simple manual exercises that do not require any equipment.

What are the fitness level requirements? 

Absolutely anyone can benefit from this program. You don’t even need a warm-up session before Hyperbolic Stretching exercises.

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Pros and Cons of Hyperbolic Stretching

I did my best to bring out the highlights of the program that will help you better decide. Let’s start with the advantages.


  • Hyperbolic Stretching program is based on successful old techniques
  • Requiring only 8 minutes a day, it is an excellent program for working class
  • Flexibility and masculinity are tremendously improved by this program
  • Made by experts in the domain
  • A 60-day money-back guarantee provides much-needed assurance


  • An online program requires internet to access workout videos
  • You have to be patient as it is a slow-paced program

What appealed the most about Hyperbolic Stretching? 

Again, from my perspective, Hyperbolic stretching outwits any other training program simply by being smart, quick and effective. It provides long-term elasticity to the muscles. After a week of starting the course, I realized that I can not easily switch off muscle reflex that helps my muscles to relax.

The newfound flexibility gave my body unprecedented freedom to exercise. Especially if you want to practice yoga, then Hyperbolic Stretching improves flexibility of the systolic muscles that make it easy to take correct postures. I was surprised how much control I have gained over the critical movements of the body by following this four-week course. In a short period, I had enhanced flexibility along with better speed and agility.

If you still wonder, whether Hyperbolic Stretching will work for you or not, then I can ensure you that this review is an honest opinion of my experience. You do not have to worry about losing your money with a 60-day money-back guarantee covering your losses. Along with the program you also get Bonus courses-Mind Power Unleashed, Full-Body Flexibility and the 8-minute Workout.


Hyperbolic stretching is one of the best 4-week programs to overcome muscle reflex. You can unleash the full potential of your muscles, correct isolation of the pelvic muscles and achieve full elasticity within 28 days.

There are hundreds of workout programs that claim to help the body achieve maximum flexibility, but none is as non-invasive as the Hyperbolic Stretching program. You can cut down the time spent on improving muscle flexibility by 83% if you try this workout.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, the simplicity of the program makes it possible for everyone to enjoy results. Easy to follow stretching hacks that do not require any type of equipment can improve your performance during martial arts, gym exercise and even during outdoor activities. But the most appealing feature of the program is that it takes only 8 minutes a day to give you the desired results.

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