Tao of Badass – Joshua Pellicer

If you have ever tried to pick up, approach or attract women you would know how difficult it can sometimes be especially if you do not know what to do or what you have tried did not work. The Tao of Badass is a product that has been selling well for a long time, a lot of things have been said about it but here is a look at what it is all about.

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Now that’s a huge promise to make especially in relationships when many men suffer from anxiety and even struggle to initiate a conversation with women. Do the Tao of Badass has all the elements to make you overcome barriers that keep you from getting girls?

Who is Joshua Pellicer? 

The creator of the Tao of Badass is Joshua Pellicer who identifies himself as a ‘completely normal guy.’ He is someone who struggled with women and was sick of being feeling worthless but was not settling to feeling like a victim for the rest of his life.

According to him, he was answering his questions really bad which is when he started his research. He wasted years of run-of-the-mill online dating and personal development programs with no results which are when he decided to create his own system that is based on his years of study. His system was an instant success and he booked 3 months of classes on the first day.

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What does The Tao of Badass system include?

In the system, you will get a membership to the exclusive ‘Badass Elite Members Area’ in which you get access to the entire Tao of Badass course.

The course is a compilation of the Tao of Badass eBook along with a lot of bonus material and tutorial videos that teach you everything you need to get success with women. Here’s a breakdown of what you get in this course:

The Tao of Badass eBook – This eBook is also included as an audiobook.

Advanced Training Videos– There is 50 minutes of video content that elaborates the tricks of rapidly building deep rapport with girls, demonstrating your value and escalate things sexually in no time.

The 5 week Body Language Mastery Course– These 9 hours’ worth of webinar content is an incredible resource to learn about body language and how to use it for seduction to make girls choose you naturally.

Subliminal Inner Confidence Audio Album– A collection of four audio tracks that you can download on your smartphone.

Attraction Video Course– This module focuses on making you more attractive and not just to get girls but to help you with personal development. Josh helps you improve the inner you and get all the girls you want.

Is The Tao of Badass a value for money product? 

The Tao of Badass has all the material that equip you with features and talents that are required to get girls. You can attract the right women in your life if you fully utilize the potential of this course. Honestly, I have not found any other product that comes with so much bonus material.

But, if you are still hesitant about the success of the Tao of Badass, you will be relieved to know that you won’t lose your $67 if you are not satisfied. This course comes with a 60-days money-back guarantee, that keeps you covered.

My final verdict 

The Tao of Badass has been a top seller for a long time and has been used by a lot, it comes with a money back guarantee and you can get it right away. If you are someone who is interested in this area, looking to improve your skills with women you should definitely give it a try today.

Click Here Now To Get Tao of Badass

Thanks for reading 

P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

Brain-A-Thon by John Assaraf Analysis

If you have ever tried to buy a product on how to make money, you will how difficult it can sometimes be especially if you are newer to internet marketing. Some very good questions can be asked such as which one is the best, does the product creator actually make money with what they are selling, how much would I have to spend on the product and more. Brain-a-thon is a product by John Assaraf that shows you how to change your brain, income as well as your live and to start living life on your own terms, a lot of things have been said about them and this product but here is a brief look at what to expect from it. 

Click Here Now To Get Brain-A-Thon

Some things to know about this product 

  • It goes into very good detail as to what you can expect from it so you know exactly what you are getting, at what price and what you would need to do next. If you go through the webinar or the sales page, it goes into very good detail including stories from people who have used the program and what they were able to get from it. 
  • They have different payment plans you can use to acquire the product which should make it easier for you to afford it. The 3 main options at the moment, a one-time payment, the ability to pay in 4 instalment and they have bill me later which is a service offered with support from Paypal. 
  • This is also an online product which might not work for everyone as some people would prefer to learn using a different format. A lot of people have used this product though so don’t let this stop you. The author has books, does physical workshops and has apps so if you look closely at all the things that come with this product, you should be able to see parts that work for you.  
  • The product is an evergreen product in that it is always available within a few days but it does get annual updates or refresh so it is in its 9th year 
  • The author has made a lot of money using this product and this product is recommended by other users that have used the ideas in this product to improve their life and income. It focuses on abstract part of making money by trying to retrain your mind or attitude so ideally you should already have ideas on how to make money or you should be willing to try other products from the author or other authors to get you to where you need to be.  
  • And more 

Click Here Now To Get Brain-A-Thon

Pros: It is a best-selling product that has been available for almost 10 years now with updates and tweaks based on feedback received and the need to improve from year to year. This is a really good advantage especially as you would be entitled to future updates and you aren’t getting a product that should no longer be sold. 

     Another benefit is that the product is from a very good author and company who has worked in the industry and with other experts in the area for a very long time. This ensures that you get the very best product in terms of quantity and quality. 

     If you are someone interested in the self-help or law of attraction niche, the author gives you a lot of tools and information that you can use to expand your knowledge in this area. 

     The topics covered by this product is one area that people don’t naturally know and it is not something that is taught in school as well so it is a product that should be useful to most people including those who already know a lot or who have already learnt a lot of things from other areas. 

Cons or potential downsides: The product focuses on your thought process and in trying to inspire you to make money naturally, you would still need to know or be able to come up with the way in which your new thought process can be used to make the money you need to make or to live the way you would like to leave. 

The product is a high end product that might need you to buy more to be able to get the full value from it. The benefits to be gained from the product far outweighs the cost though if you are able to put up the funds and follow the steps to be able to get full value from the product. The high end nature of the product also ensures that you get the best access to service and that the product. Is not freely available to everyone.  

Rating: Good – This product creator used ideas from others and this product has been used by thousands of people already. For the price and the amount of money you can make from this, this is a really good value product. Its in the 10th year and you get access to resources and coaching that you can use for a very long time and to make money with going forward. 

Refund policy: Good – The product comes with a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product which is very good for a product like this. If you decide to addon extra services, ensure you read the refund policy for each of the products to ensure that you are not surprised by anything. Refund policies typically range from no refund to 60 days money back guarantee for products like this as mandated by the payment processors but a 30 day money back guarantee for a product like this is really good. 

Click here now to get brain-a-thon 

Thanks for reading 

P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

The Wholesale Formula with bonuses 

     It is a product designed to show people how to make a full time income selling Amazon products from the comfort of their homes, it is a product which becomes available twice a year and it is put together by 2 authors who have a lot of experience and knowledge when it comes to trying to sell products online. Making money on Amazon is one of the ways people make very good money online including other platforms like YouTube and Facebook. 

Authors: Dylan Frost and Dan Meadors

Product detail 

  • 5 modules including 90 in depth videos that goes through a lot of the things you would need to know about how the formula works, video learning like this tends to be easier to follow, it gets better as you go through each module and it tends to be very flexible 
  • A Facebook group for people who have completed the course, there you can ask questions, view questions or additional resources and you can make friends or even track the progress of others to see how well you are using the course 
  • Access to a launchpad 
  • Exclusive discounts worth a few thousand dollars  
  • TWF Webinars that have been pre-recorded on various aspects of running the program
  • And more 

Good things about the course 

  • It has been updated and tweaked regularly so you are getting a real good value course for the same price that people paid a few years ago 
  • The course is available online and immediately so you can start to use it right away from wherever you are in the world as long as you have access to the right tools. It is also useful in saving shipping costs and it makes it easier to access the course using.  
  • Amazon like YouTube or even Facebook is a place where a lot of people make a lot of money compared to a regular job so getting a good program like this where you get access to a variety of tools and information you need to succeed is very good 
  • They offer flexible payment plans as well as different ways to pay which should make it accessible to most people that want it and have access to
  • Lifetime free update and access to the Facebook ensures that you get all the help you will need going forward when it comes to changes and potential updates to the way Amazon runs it processes. Given that the program is open to enrolment twice a year, you can expect to see more updates or new comments from users as more people join the program. 

Things that could be better

  • The product is only available twice a year at certain points which can make it difficult to get if you don’t get it right away and if you happen to read this post after the product closes. Typically during March and September each year for a few years now for 1 to 2 weeks.  
  • The product is also a high end product which would be unaffordable to most people especially those outside the main developed countries but they do offer a payment plan which can help to observe the costs of the course. You should also be prepared for the possibility that you would need to spend additional funds to ensure that the infrastructure and tools needed to succeed with the course are available.   
  • Depending on your level of experience, you should be prepared for the possibility that it might take a lot of time and learning to begin to see good results with the program, it is better though to follow all the steps as much as possible and to test the product to ensure that you get the best value from it. 

Bonus information 

     If you buy the wholesale formula through any of the links on this website, email info @csshurts.com (no space between space and info when you send the email) you qualify for my bonus package which could potentially be worth a lot to you. 

     You will get access to my list of books and websites in relation to 3 other income streams that you can do as a business person (lottery, sports and a secret one) as well as other internet marketing products that can complement the information you will get from the Wholesale Formula. The list is for a limited number of people as I use it regularly to make money or to improve my skills. 

Refund policy 

     The product comes with a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product, for a product like this it is a decent amount of time to confirm if the product is right for you. Ensure you read the full details on the website to ensure you get the full details of the policy especially if you decide to get any addon products to it.  

     The wholesale formula is a course that has helped a lot of people make money on Amazon, if this is an area that you are interested you should look into the course by at least attending one of the webinars and following some of their free training. 

Thanks for reading

P.s: I might receive compensation if you click a link on this website and buy a product.    

Slim Belly Fix program by Keri Wahler

Millions of women over the age of 35 are currently suffering from estrogen dominance and they DONT even have the slightest clue. A condition known as estrogen dominance where a woman can have deficient, normal or excessive estrogen, but has little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the body. Slim Belly Fix is the only 60 second belly slimming system for women that switches off their estrogen enzyme allowing them to visibly see a slim and firm belly at any age without starving or suffering through long boring workouts.

Slim Belly Fix is a program created by Keri Wahler designed to reverse Estrogen Dominance in women and burn belly fat using a unique combination of herbs and spices.The detox formula helps people get a natural energy boost and allows the body to rid itself of any leftover waste it has been storing. The author of the program, Keri Wahler claims that a 60 second trick performed in the morning can stimulate belly fat loss while reducing the possible risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes and other health related issues.

Keri came across the secrets revealed in this program through a tragic medical situation because she herself was a victim of severe obesity that put her at risk of dangerous diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases. Then she came across an extraordinary system that helped her not only to lose tremendous weight in just seven days but it also reversed her risks of all those lethal debilitating disorders and corrected her underlying hormonal imbalances that were causing the problem.

The program is divided into four parts. The first part is The Introduction Manual which contains useful information on how a person can shed all the unwanted flab. The program contains methods that would help support a person’s body as they drop off excessive body fat. Moreover, these methods also contain information about nutriments which boost the metabolic rate, aid fat burning and help curb people’s appetite.

The second part of the program is The Diet Manual which involves eliminating harmful and toxic foods that encourage the body to store fat. Additionally, it helps people make some significant changes to their diet to cast off stubborn pounds and get a flat tummy fast. This diet plan helps improve a person’s digestive system and metabolic rate, also increases energy.

The third part is The Exercise Manual which helps people pick any suitable exercise from the list. It teaches people to do four sets of maximum repetitions. It helps people start a stringent regimen right from the beginning, meaning exercising at a moderate pace and increase as soon as they stop feeling challenged.

Women also receive the Slim Belly Sleep Detox program, which offers an easy to use bedtime routine for burning belly fat overnight. Also included is the recipe for the Estrogen Balancing Elixir, the key to the Slim Belly program’s success and a series of 3-minute belly slimming routines designed to help tone and tighten up the stomach.

This weight loss program teaches people all the healthy and smart ways to exercise, and helps them attain a leaner, healthy body. Slim Belly Fix stimulates rapid and appreciable weight loss from the first day. It is not only simply convenient but also miraculously effective and that’s Keri’s guarantee that women will definitely see the change in themselves just after a few days. Their belly would feel tighter and slimmer without any persistent and tiring expenditure of time, money and energy.

The Slim Belly Solution is available right now for a limited time reduced rate, and each purchase is backed by a no hassle, no question asked 60 day money back guarantee.

My Back Pain Coach

What you are about to read is not another online review of the My Back Pain Coach program that’s just based on the information one finds on the internet. After trying this program for weeks I am in a position to share the right information with you.

Click Here Now To Get My Back Pain Coach

Back pain can be extremely excruciating and I have dealt with the same for over half of my adult years. I have tried some of the most popular treatments for the condition but unfortunately, most don’t work. I also tried finding relief in pain medications, but their side effects are too many and surgeries tend to be very expensive.

This left disheartened about my back pain condition which is when I found about the My Back Pain Coach program designed by Ian Hart. He claims his program is an effective and safe treatment for all kinds of back pain. He is so confident in his ‘unusual method’ that he assures that this program can treat back in just 16 minutes.

What you are about to read is my personal experience with the program and whether it is worth your money or not.

What is My Back Pain Coach?

My Back Pain Coach is an easy to follow video course created by Ian Hart that teaches you how to treat the source of the pain and live a truly pain-free life instead of trying to convince you to live with pain as most other programs do.

Ian Hart is a professional who suffered from back pain but instead of giving up after trying several unsuccessful back pain treatments, he succeeded in getting rid of his back pain by developing his exercise program that fixed his problem and made way to help hundreds of others who suffer from killing back pain.

In this program, you will find all the information that you need to know about your back and its anatomical structure as well as informs you how to deal with back problems that arise when you sit for long hours every day and how to deal with Sciatica and Piriformis syndrome.

Overall, I found My Back Pain Coach program to be a balanced and thorough approach towards relieving from the back pain.

What is in the program? 

The program comes in many modules with bonuses. It is easy to follow the program with all the information arranged in easy to follow navigational structure.

The main course is a 90 minutes module which is divided into 3 levels, each lasting up to 30 minutes on average. It is recommended by Ian to follow the levels in a sequence as they are designed to be incrementally difficult. He recommends practicing each level 3 times a day for 3 weeks before you move to the next level.

Essentially these levels have 8 simple movement training exercises that will take no longer than 16 minutes to complete. These exercises are designed to increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients in your back and to how to restore the health of your spine and heal the back pain. In Ian’s words “These 2-minute miracle movements are so New and so different, you’ve never seen anything like them before!”

Indeed, once I started using this program it became evidently easy for me to keep my back fit as well as my pain slowly subsided. Just not I, there are thousands of other people who recommend this program for pain relief. The effectiveness of My Back Pain Coach stems from its ability to release the biochemical in the body and to keep the nerves and discs in the spine healthy and restore any harm done to them, relieving the pain permanently. The exercises are basic movements that anyone can learn watching the videos.

Along with the main course, you also get two bonus programs.

The first bonus module is titled Begin Your Day which is a program focused on people who suffer from serious back pain. This program helps you to start your day with less pain not only in your back but also in other joints including neck, ankle, hips and shoulders. If your back pain is truly excruciating then I will recommend you to start with this bonus module first and then continue with the main course.

The second bonus module contains Coaching Session videos in which Ian teaches a lot of stuff about overall wellbeing. He teaches how to increase your back mobility, get abs, be more flexible and build muscles among other things. He also tells you about the mistakes to avoid that can make your pain more severe.

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Advantages of My Back Pain Coach program

  • No expensive stuff needed to do the basic movement exercises
  • Easy to follow video course
  • An abundance of information for improving overall health
  • A highly effective program that rebalances the body to heal the cause of back pain
  • Additional bonuses included in the program
  • Highly affordable as compared to other treatment programs
  • No recurring fee, only onetime $ 67-course fee
  • 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure you do not lose money if not satisfied with results

Disadvantages of My Back Pain Coach Program

  • It may take a few weeks to get relief unlike promised pain relief in 16 minutes
  • For best results, you need to practice movements 3 times for 3 weeks

Can this program help you avoid surgery?

Do not decide on your own. If you are recommended surgery by your doctor then I strongly recommend discussing the best course of action.

My Back Pain Coach is only about correcting muscle imbalance that causes severe back pain but if you are experiencing back pain due to any serious issue then this might not the right program for you. Medical conditions like the injured spine due to an accident needs special care and surgery might be the only option in such a scenario.

Final Verdict 

Ian Hart has created an excellent program to help millions of people get relief from back pain. The content is wonderful and the exercises are easy to follow. If your chronic back pain doesn’t seem to go away even after repeated treatment, I recommend giving My Back Pain Coach a serious try.

Click Here Now To Get My Back Pain Coach

Thanks for reading

P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.