Lean Body Hacks By Randy Smith

If you have ever tried to lose weight you will know how difficult it can sometimes be, there is a lot of conventional knowledge that focuses on calorie counting, spending countless hours in the gym, starving and even to a large extent doing a mix of all of this to an extent especially at the beginning of the year.  Of recent though, as more people become obese especially in the developed and more people become aware of the benefits of losing weight and desire more results oriented programs, several ore advanced methods like Keto and Paleo have become more mainstream and these methods use advanced techniques to help people lose weight. 

Lean Body Hacks is a bestselling product that will help you lose fat without having to give up a lot of the things you currently like to do and will help you do this in a simple way, a lot of things have been said about this product but here is a look at what to expect from it. 

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Some things you will learn from this product 

  • You will learn how to lose fat without having to do workouts and while still eating the foods you like, there are a lot of food based diets like Keto that can do this as well but this is different. 
  • Something you can do just before you sleep that will help you lose a lot of fat before you go to bed
  • How to become happier and more energetic in as little as 24 hours. 
  • Vegetables that will help you feel fuller and what vegetables you should avoid, knowing this will allow you control your faith a lot better 
  • Simple 10 second things you can do to turn on your metabolism and fat burning hormones
  • And more 

Pros of this product 

  • You can get it immediately after you pay for it which provides a multitude of benefits depending on what is important to you. For instance, when I try to order products like this I like to order it and get it right away, I don’t like paying shipping and I sometimes want privacy when getting an item, all of this is possible if you want to get Lean Body Hacks which isn’t always the case for physical products especially. 
  • It is a bestselling product from people who have various types of experience in the fitness industry which is good as sales help to improve the quality of the product so does the experience they have. 
  • You get the main product as well as bonuses for a very low price, which is a great deal as the price is deeply discounted even for the main product alone. There is a good chance that if you tried to buy what you are getting here from a bookstore online or physically you might end up paying more to get the same value. 

Some cons of this product 

  • It is only available online which might be an issue for a variety of reasons to a lot of people, for instance I do a lot of long trips and I sometimes use books to pass the time so having something like this that I can read is very beneficial. But a lot of products are sold this way online and there are ways to avoid any of the issues with this such as reading another book or using a device to read it in my case so do not let this top you from getting this product. 
  • It is not a common mainstream diet like Keto or Paleo or even a well no exercise program like Bowflex or Insanity so you might not find people who are doing this within your friends/family social circle but this is not super important and you could even be the one that introduces them to this fat loss guide potentially after you have had great results with it yourself.   

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Author: Randy Smith – He is not an incredibly known author from what I have seen but Mike Zhang who is mentioned on the sales letter is basically a fitness guru with different products and links to the fitness industry. 

Price: $37 – Which is a great price considering the amount of value you get from this product, the amount of difference it can make in your life and everything else that has been said on this page. There is also a way to get a discount coupon depending on how long you are on the website but this might not always happen and everyone gets a deeply discounted price anyway at $37 so no need for the extra one if you do not see it. This price is also in American dollars so this might look cheaper or more expensive depending on where you are if you are outside the United States. 

Refund Policy: It comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee no questions need to be answered if you do not want to answer technically. This is based just on what you sent to them, any fee that you might have been charged by your bank or financial institution might be a separate issue depending on your bank and what the fee is, again the refund rate for products like this tend to be very low so the likelihood that you will be going through this is low as well. 

Rating: 10/10 – This is because the creators have a history in the fitness world of creating products that people have liked, the price is great, the refund policy is awesome and this product can have a ton of benefits on the way things work for you. It has a lot of advantages when you break each factor as has been done here and look at what this product does compared to some other products or to a lot of products similar to this. 

Review Notes: This is a great product that has a good author, good price, good refund policy and has been selling well so as long as you have read the sales letter and you see that this product will be useful to you then go ahead and get this 

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P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

Lean Body Hacks is a product by Randy Smith, Learn About It From Here

Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge By Zoey Bray-Cotton

Being a woman is never easy.

Unless you lead an active lifestyle and follow some kind of fitness regime, you will turn into a fat accumulating machine during your adult years.

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I am a working woman with a knack for adventure, which is why I am always hiking or trekking or doing some sport. It was during one of the adventures that I twisted my ankle and was grounded for good.

How it all started?

I was on a hiking trip to Hawaii when the tragedy struck. During one of the climbs, I slipped and landed hard on my ankle. Long story short, all I can remember after that was excruciating pain and blur sight before I passed out.

A week later I was in bed with a severely injured ankle that left me bedridden for a good 5 months.

Now if doctors were to be believed at that time, I must have been on my foot within 4 weeks but that never happened. It took me 15 weeks to stand and about 20 weeks to be able to walk without crutches.

My 5 months retirement to the bed meant no physical exercising just TV and food. After I regained my ability to walk, I was completely shattered to look at myself in the mirror.

My otherwise lean and fit body had lumps of cellulite that made me look obese. Stepping on the weighing scale was additional trauma when I figured out that I had gained 30 pounds.

None of my pants fit anymore but above that, I lost the form I had worked so hard for.

Worse was I couldn’t undergo any high-intensity exercise because my ankle has just recovered and was prone to get injured.

It is when I decided to try yoga.

My experimentation with Yoga

I chose yoga not just because it is known to make you fit but also for its holistic healing capabilities.

Although I fiddled around with a few yoga techniques here and there for a month, the breakthrough came when I found ‘The Yoga Burn’ workout program.

The program claims to be ‘Helping Women Get Lighter, Healthier and Happier.’

While it all seems too good, I was not willing to believe the program without enough thought. If you are in a split regarding Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge, then my review of the program is going to help you make the decision.

Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge-My Own Experience 

Created by Zoe Bray-Cotton, a certified American yoga instruction, the Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge is a progressive workout program based on yoga. 

A revolutionary yoga-based workout program employs a 3-phase approach to easily target fat in the most stubborn part of the body, the abdomen. Most fat loss workout programs are based on utilizing cardio and high-intensity exercises, but this program utilizes the potential of Corset Core Training in effectively shaping the core of your body with yoga sequences. The Yoga Burn program is a unique regimen to effectively strengthen and share the centerpiece of your body in an expected time gap using well planned Corset Core Training sequences.

The program is not just about training about also informing you about the most common mistakes made by most people and how to avoid them. Once you go through the program, you will have a clear mindset to achieve the desired body shape not driven by rumors but facts and routines.

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The 3 Phases of Yoga Burn

The program follows a ‘Dynamic Sequencing’ that implies it goes through three stages of incrementally difficult workouts.

The best thing is that you can start with the easiest phase, the Foundation Flow and continue as long as you need to be ready to move on to the next stage.

1. The Foundational Flow

The beginning phase in which you lay the foundation for the entire 12-week workout challenge.

I was someone who has never done yoga before, so this was a very important phase but I was pleasantly surprised how easy Zoe has made it for beginners to understand the core moves called ‘asanas.’

This phase is covered in 3 videos of 45 minutes duration along with a bonus video.

2. The Transitional Flow

The next phase is the ‘Transitional Flow’ which helps you to make the transition from the foundation to the mastery phase, hence the name.

While the workouts are pretty easy in the first phase, but here things start to get a little more difficult. From my personal experience, I can suggest you spend enough time with the Foundation Flow and you will be able to easily adapt to the Transitional Flow.

During this phase, you will come across workouts divided into three sets-upper body, lower body, and core. This phase is when I started to feel like I have worked out. Performing moves fast and transitioning from one to another without much rest shoots up the heart rate and revs the metabolism.

The core workouts are particularly trying and don’t get surprised if you feel soreness in abs for a week after the workout.

Spread over 4 weeks, it was during the third week of the phase that I started to witness weight loss.

Let me quote here, “yoga never felt like even a bit of paint despite my severely injured ankle. If you are worried about the horror stories of performing HIIT, then this program is a relief.

3. The Mastery Flow

The last phase of the program is a high-intensity workout Yoga style.

For me, most of the magic happened during the Mastery Flow.

This phase means business, you will have to be fast, intense and committed. But as the phases are incremental, if you were serious in the first two phases, there is no reason for you to find the final phase any difficult than necessary.

You will get 3 videos for this phase along with a bonus Pose Tutorial detailing 21 poses. There is enough information for you to focus and correct your poses watching the video.

Again a 4-week phase, by the end of the Mastery Flow, you will have lost most of the unwanted fat without soring any muscles that were not meant to be.

Pros of Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge

  • This program is a friendly system that strengthens the core and gets you in shape within the stipulated time
  • A risk-free program to follow, you will get the best value for money
  • Money refund makes it easier for you to choose this program
  • A video-based program, it is easy to follow

Cons of Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge

  • No offline availability
  • The program is sequential, you can’t skip steps


I was lucky to find the Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge in time to not go through bone-breaking HIIT training for fat loss. Instead, this program utilizes yoga to get rid of the fat and at the same time holistically healing your body.

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Yoga Burn Booty Challenge By Zoe Bray-Cotton

Getting that ideal body is a dream for most of us. Interestingly, many women are not as much concerned with the curves as they are about their flat bums.

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Let’s face it, reel world puts a lot of pressure on women to have that adorable and sexier butt to flaunt in skimpy outfits. Although in real life, you might not want to get into such fashion, such scenes do make us wonder “why can’t I have a butt like that?”

As someone who had a flat bum for most of my teenage years, I understand how self-conscious it can make you feel. Over the years, I have tried several workouts just because I wanted that dream booty that is worthy of my yoga pants.

Unfortunately, I could hardly see results from any of the workouts even when I tried harder and harder. While all the workouts were not a total failure, but I was not getting the results I expected. It was morally discouraging when I was not seeing the results. Weights, HIIT and strength training, I tried them all but the most success I achieved was with yoga. Well, that was not enough for me to get going.

This is why when I crossed path with the ‘Yoga Booty Challenge’, I had to try it.

There are not many yoga programs out there that focus on a toned butt. Moreover, my love for yoga is another reason why I took on this challenge.

If you are reading this, then you most probably want to know about the effectiveness of the Yoga Booty Challenge. While, I won’t term it as a review, but an honest experience I had with this program.

What is the Yoga Booty Challenge?

A 12-week yoga workout program, Yoga Booty Challenge is created by Zoe Bray-Cotton. This program is based on Dynamic Sequencing Yoga that helps women to bring their butts in shape and tone them down. The unique mechanics of this challenge also help with weight loss.

The program is designed for the independent workout that requires no yoga studio or gym. All the workouts can be done at home, where you take things at your pace. This is very comforting as the program gets incrementally challenging as your body adapts to the workouts.

Zoe has made this program for women of all fitness levels, so if you have no experience with yoga then this program will benefit you equally. To be fit for beginners and advanced users alike, the Yoga Booty Challenge has 15-minute intervals to help you take your time. 

The key is to go at your own pace and take breaks when you need them. This is why the challenge is designed in 15-minute intervals. Developed as a 12-week video series straightforward program, you do not have to use your imagination for the right postures but can follow along Zoe who teaches you easy ways to perform workouts, ‘asanas’ as they are known.

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A word about Zoe Bray-Cotton

It always helps to know the person behind a product especially if you are buying a product that you cannot try before buying. When the creator has appropriate qualifications and workout experience, it makes it easier to trust a product.

Zoe is an internationally certified personal trainer who is also a female transformation specialist with years of experience as a yoga instructor. I went through reviews on her other fitness programs like the Yoga Burn which is one of the best internationally selling fitness programs for women.

How does the Yoga Booty Challenge Work?

Based on a framework called P.A.P-Prime, Activate, and Pump, there are three phases in the Yoga Booty Challenge. The P.A.P framework is so effectively developed that it puts you on the right track to do the right exercise, in the correct order and for the right amount of time. The workouts involved act on all three parts of your booty; getting the best results within 12-weeks.

Phases of the Yoga Booty Challenge

Priming Phase

The foundation phase of the whole 12-week Yoga Booty Challenge program, the Priming Phase is in which you activate the glute muscles that are rarely used otherwise. This is the reason why these muscles get dormant, giving you such a hard time achieving a toned booty. You might have already heard that hip flexors get stiff with time and are the most common reason for hip injuries in elders. These flexors are muscles in the hip region that get hard because of decreased blood flow and restricted supply of oxygen and nutrients to the area.

The Priming Phase activates three main muscles- Gluteus Minimus, Gluteus Medius, and the Gluteus Maximus. You cannot risk injuring any of these muscles if you want that ornamental toned booty which is why this warm-up of the muscles is important.

The Active Phase

A concern I had while investing in the Yoga Booty Challenge is that although I wanted a toned butt, I hate to get my thighs bulkier. But I was surprised to know that this program is designed to only work the glute muscles and not the thighs. The Active Phase only targets the three major muscles in your butt in a particular order activating them.

The Pump Phase

This phase further tightens your glute muscles by improving the blood flow. It also boosts up the metabolism that helps with overall weight management. The “afterburner effect” of the workouts done during this phase help the body to burn fat.

Why do I recommend the Yoga Booty Challenge? 

I am totally amazed by the program, and the results have been nothing short of phenomenal. But, my words might seem like a sell, which is why you need to give it a try.

A toned and flawlessly shaped butt is not the only benefit that I experienced. After 12-weeks I can feel the boost in my energy and how it improved my metabolism. You can feel the flexibility in your hip muscles as you climb stairs, run or jog.

I cannot emphasize enough on the effectiveness of the Yoga Booty Challenge, but it is a program worth giving a try.For me, it has been the best booty workout ever!

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Fat Burning Fingerprint By Gary Watson

Obesity is an epidemic that is crippling our generation like never before. Today over 36% of American adults are obese, which is 1 in 3. Being overweight not only makes us insecure about our bodies but also increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases. Poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle make the situation even worse.

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While exercising seems to the obvious solution, dieting is equally important as well. Slow metabolism and inactive organs result in fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen area. If you search over the Internet, there are hundreds of fat loss programs. The problem is there is no way for you to find out which of these programs might work.

When I was struggling to lose my stubborn belly fat, I came across the Fat Burning Fingerprint, a fat loss program that was touted to be revolutionary.

How was my experience with the program?

You are about to find out.

What is Fat Burning Fingerprint?

A fat-burning program created for men and women of all ages, the Fat Burning Fingerprint focuses on two important aspects. First, your metabolism. This program is entirely based on making your metabolism work for you. It helps you to identify the type of metabolism you have and based on the finding, it teaches you what to eat and what to avoid.

The program also focuses on when to eat. By doing so, this program not only helps you tailor your diet based on your metabolism type but also keeps your weight-related hormones balanced, which makes it infinitely easier to lose the stubborn fat.

Most of us focus on eating what will keep our body fit, nothing wrong with that, but the Fat Burning Fingerprint teaches you what to eat to keep your metabolism fit. In doing so, it entirely changes how your body processes food and stores fat that amazingly boost weight loss and spurts the energy.

Who created the Fat Burning Fingerprint?

Gary Watson is the creator of this weight loss program. A leading Total Body Transformation expert, Gary has a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois with additional courses in performance nutrition, exercise, and aging. Before creating this fat burning program, he has already authored an international bestseller, Wake The Fork Up.

But the real wisdom that Gary has acquired to create this program does not come only from the theory he learned in school but is mostly based on his “over 30,000 hours of hands-on training with people of all ages, colors, and genders.” His work with so many people inspired him to create a program that can be customized based on a person’s individual needs for maximum fat loss benefits.

What does Fat Burning Fingerprints Program Covers? 

There are plenty of diet programs but only a small percentage is helpful because they are implemented under the supervision of experts. Fat Burning Fingerprint is a unique program in this context that tailors the diet according to your metabolism, without any need for expert advice.

You start with undertaking a metabolism quiz that analyzes specific information related to your body type. You will find what metabolism type you are. Gary has categorized metabolisms into three categories-Slow Oxidant Dominant, Fast Oxidant Dominant, and Medium Oxidant Dominant.

Slow Oxidant Dominant 

People with this type of metabolism are unable to burn large amounts of calories due to low activity levels of adrenal and thyroid hormones. Such metabolism craves carbs and sugars and is a known cause of lethargy and depression.

Fast Oxidant Dominant 

Such metabolism can easily burn a large number of calories in a short period of time. People who find it hard to gain weight even after eating a lot have this metabolism type. But it’s not a sign of healthy metabolism as it is prone to stimulate stress hormone release; leading to belly fat and diabetes. People with such metabolism often crave fatty foods.

Medium Oxidant Dominant 

A balance between the Slow and Fast oxidant Dominant. People with such metabolism have to eat a diet with 50% carbohydrates.

Once you determine what type of metabolism you have, you will be able to receive credentials to download the guides that will provide you with the right information to make changes to your diet.

What will you get in the Fat Burning Fingerprint program? 

  • A unique fat burning strategy that works for your body and metabolism type
  • Three bonus books:-
  • Fat Burning Fingerprint Fast-track Guide
  • The Bermuda Triangle of Foods: Three Foods You Must Avoid
  • 7 Super Fat Burning Hormones You Must Have in Harmony
  • A 3-minute daily morning routine to help your body lose fat fast
  • Guide to learn about fruits that cleanse and activate the liver
  • A guide on fat decompositions meals that also provide proper nutrients to keep metabolism fit

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Pros & Cons of Fat Burning Fingerprint


  • It is a program that shows an immediate change in your energy levels. 
  • Backed with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results, you get your money back, no questions asked.
  • Nothing fancy to be prepared or bought. Simple diet changes that will change your metabolism making your body and mind fit.
  • An affordable weight loss program that is suitable for all age groups and both genders.
  • The 3-minute morning routine is easy to follow.
  • You do not have to rely on medications or bone-crunching exercises to lose belly fat.


  • To access and complete the program you will need the internet. There is no offline mode available.
  • It is a self-guided fat burning program, so you have to be disciplined and committed not to skip steps for the best results.

Does Fat Burning Fingerprint Actually Work?

Based on my personal experience, Absolutely!

Fat Burning Fingerprint is one of the most scientifically prepared fat loss programs on the internet. Gary Watson has summarized his years of experience working with people of all age groups and helping them lose weight in this program.

If you are a self-driven individual who will follow the Fat Burning Fingerprint by the word, you can be rest assured to see results.

For some reason, if you don’t get the promised results, you get your money back hassle-free.


Fat loss is not simple, but the technique Fat Burning Fingerprint utilizes to stimulate your metabolism puts you on an ultra weight loss mode.

It doesn’t matter whether you are in your 30s or 50s, this program is designed to help every individual become healthier, leaner and fit. There is no secret pill, this is a scientific program utilizing the hormones to supercharge fat loss.

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Hyperbolic Stretching By Alex Larsson

Body flexibility is one aspect that has daunted even the most professional athletes. The human body is extremely adaptable, but most workouts focus on muscle building, strength building and endurance. To fully unleash the sports performance of our body we need flexibility, a high degree of flexibility.

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Unfortunately, not many stretching techniques other than traditional workouts are known. Even the sports experts agree that the best performers focus on the right stretches rather than relying on regular muscle-building exercises.

If you are also looking beyond simple bodybuilding exercises to stay in shape Hyperbolic Stretching is one of the most popular programs available.

After a general search, I found out that this program is claimed to highly effective in changing muscle strength significantly. But just online reviews were not enough for me, I had to try the program myself to believe it.

What you are about to read is my in-depth analysis of the Hyperbolic Stretching program. I will elaborate on everything about this four-week program that you must know.

What is Hyperbolic Stretching? 

A program created by Alex Larsson, Hyperbolic Stretching is a program that is designed to make the pelvic muscles stronger, adding to the flexibility and improving the endurance level.

I have experimented with over a dozen workouts for improving my flexibility but none of those programs claimed to help my stretch by spending just 8 minutes a day on exercises. That’s exactly what the Hyperbolic Stretching program is said to offer. Furthermore, Alex Larsson quoted that the exercises devised for this program can be performed without any warmup session. Simply put, the claims appeared to be too good for me to take the program seriously but as I always accept challenges, I was curious to complete the entire 4-week course.

The Creator-Alex Larsson 

Alex Larsson is the brain behind the program who created Hyperbolic Stretching out of his experience. Working as a programmer, Larsson used to spend 8-10 hours sitting in from of a PC almost every day. That was his life until one day, after 12 hours of coding he was not able to stand up from his chair. Upon taken to the emergency room, he was informed that he has suffered neuro-muscular shutdown of his lower back, thigh muscles, and hips.

Left completely paralyzed, Larsson was told by doctors that it might take up months before his neuro-muscle system reactivates. This is why he tried to try the Hyperbolic Stretching on himself. Supposedly, the rehabilitation was to take months, Larsson was able to stand on his feet again within four weeks. In his own words, “I discovered surprisingly simple “neuromuscular loophole” everyone else, including sports specialists and athletic experts, overlooked.

At this point, it became inevitable for me to go through the entire 4-week course. Throughout the course, I took notes that I know I will want to share with others. 

I summarized these notes into pros and cons. But before that, I think it would help to answer some FAQs.

Is the Hyperbolic Stretching program effective? 

Yes. Like me, you might also not buying the claims, but this is one of the rare fitness programs that is true to its words.

Do I need any equipment for Hyperbolic Stretching workouts? 

No. Entire four-week course is based on simple manual exercises that do not require any equipment.

What are the fitness level requirements? 

Absolutely anyone can benefit from this program. You don’t even need a warm-up session before Hyperbolic Stretching exercises.

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Pros and Cons of Hyperbolic Stretching

I did my best to bring out the highlights of the program that will help you better decide. Let’s start with the advantages.


  • Hyperbolic Stretching program is based on successful old techniques
  • Requiring only 8 minutes a day, it is an excellent program for working class
  • Flexibility and masculinity are tremendously improved by this program
  • Made by experts in the domain
  • A 60-day money-back guarantee provides much-needed assurance


  • An online program requires internet to access workout videos
  • You have to be patient as it is a slow-paced program

What appealed the most about Hyperbolic Stretching? 

Again, from my perspective, Hyperbolic stretching outwits any other training program simply by being smart, quick and effective. It provides long-term elasticity to the muscles. After a week of starting the course, I realized that I can not easily switch off muscle reflex that helps my muscles to relax.

The newfound flexibility gave my body unprecedented freedom to exercise. Especially if you want to practice yoga, then Hyperbolic Stretching improves flexibility of the systolic muscles that make it easy to take correct postures. I was surprised how much control I have gained over the critical movements of the body by following this four-week course. In a short period, I had enhanced flexibility along with better speed and agility.

If you still wonder, whether Hyperbolic Stretching will work for you or not, then I can ensure you that this review is an honest opinion of my experience. You do not have to worry about losing your money with a 60-day money-back guarantee covering your losses. Along with the program you also get Bonus courses-Mind Power Unleashed, Full-Body Flexibility and the 8-minute Workout.


Hyperbolic stretching is one of the best 4-week programs to overcome muscle reflex. You can unleash the full potential of your muscles, correct isolation of the pelvic muscles and achieve full elasticity within 28 days.

There are hundreds of workout programs that claim to help the body achieve maximum flexibility, but none is as non-invasive as the Hyperbolic Stretching program. You can cut down the time spent on improving muscle flexibility by 83% if you try this workout.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, the simplicity of the program makes it possible for everyone to enjoy results. Easy to follow stretching hacks that do not require any type of equipment can improve your performance during martial arts, gym exercise and even during outdoor activities. But the most appealing feature of the program is that it takes only 8 minutes a day to give you the desired results.

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