
Vert Shock by Adam Folker

In the realm of Basketball, the vertical jump is considered to be one of the most crucial elements that a player must focus on. With good vertical jump, you will not only dunk over the heads of opposite players but it will also allow you to block, shoot, catch rebounds and many other things without experiencing any kind of difficulties. With the sole objective of helping all the aspiring basketball players to improv their vertical jump, Adam Folker, a very popular player from Canada has created the program called Vert Shock. If you have been searching for the benefits and other important details about this program, you must go through this comprehensive Vert Shock review. 

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Do you really want to try Vert Shock program but the only thing that refrains you from buying this program is the fear of wasting money, right? Well, you are not the only one, rather a lot of people want to know about this program. In this review below you will be provided with all the vital information about the program, from payment to effectiveness. The truth is that every basketball player has his/her own potential and skills set. What you could gain from the entire program called Vert Shock significantly depends on you. Hence, you must read through the entire program to know about the program in a best way. 

An Overview Of The Vert Short:

Adam Folker, the creator of the Vert Short designed the entire program based on the factual science which has been used extensively in different sports programs for a long span of time. In this program, Adam has finetuned the principals of the factual science so that it can meet the specific requirements of the Basketball sport. 

It’s a 8 weeks long program which mainly focuses on the fast twitch muscles of your legs through polymetric exercises. The end result of this program varies from person to person. It seems to offer an increase between 9 inches and 15 inches to the vertical jump of the followers of this program. 

Initially a lot of people considered this program as one of the scam products like losing 20 pounds within 5 days or being a millionaire overnight, etc. The reason is very simple- the benefits that this program offers sounds a bit unrealistic but the truth is that it still stays within the limit of possibilities. The author of this program Adam Folker made this program using the experience obtained while working with the stars Basketball players like Kobe Bryant, Anthony Davis, etc. So, when it comes to judging the seriousness of this program, there’s no room of doubt Adam has left for the users. 

So, now you might be wondering to know if it’s a one and done program. Well, people who have followed this program second time also noticed a significant change in their vertical jump. But, the fact is that these second time changes are not nearly as much as the significant changes that users can find after trying the program for the first time. The effects of this program remain same long after the participants drop the program. If you want to have the optimum benefit from this program, you must stay in shape. 

Know About The Signing Up Procedure Of This Program: 

Just like most of the online programs available online, this program also comes with 3 add on offers before reaching to the original program and this could be a frustrating experience for the people who want to buy Vert Shock without any add ons. Potential participants of this program would have to go through three add on offers before reaching to the final program. You will have to pay additional money if you want to include the offers into your purchase. 

Another great part of this program is that it tells you about using the simple gym equipment like medicine ball, box platform, etc. 

Know About The Structure of Vert Shock: 

This 8 weeks long program is divided into three phases – pre Shock Phase, Shock Phase and Post Shock Phase. 

Pre-Shock Phase (Week 1):

This particular phase is all about making your body prepared for the workouts in the upcoming eight weeks. It allows you to prepare your muscles for extensive workouts in the upcoming days. Certain participants have already reported that they have seen slight improvement in their vertical jumping ability at the end of the phase 1. 

Shock Phase: 

This particular shock phase runs between week 2 to week 7.  You can train yourself with this phase for 4-5 days a week. In most part of this phase, you are going to work on your muscles through a series of exercises that strengthens your muscle fibers. But don’t get dishurten if you fail to gain any improvement at the vertical jump at this stage. 

Post Shock Phase: 

This particular phase is known as post-shock phase which is specially designed to fortify your gains from the previous two phases and let the muscles together. If you seriously follow the guidelines provided by Vert Shock, you will be able to see serious improvement with the results at this stage.

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Pros Of Vert Shock Program: 

Unlike the other programs available online, this program provides participants with the in-depth instructions which are based on pure science. 

Many programs have solid on paper foundations but unfortunately, their execution level leave quite a lot of things behind- low quality of video guide, hard to comprehend presentations etc. Adam Folker puts a serious attention into Vert Shock to ensure that this program doesn’t come with such drawbacks. 

You can simply do the workouts in your home instead of going to gym, court and so on. 

The Cons: 

When it comes to accessing the content of this program, you must have an internet connection as it is an online program. So, if you are travelling, accessing this program could be a real challenge. If you are looking for a serious program that offers values that worth the money you spend on, the Vert Shock is the program that you should follow. 

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