The Wholesale Formula with bonuses 

     It is a product designed to show people how to make a full time income selling Amazon products from the comfort of their homes, it is a product which becomes available twice a year and it is put together by 2 authors who have a lot of experience and knowledge when it comes to trying to sell products online. Making money on Amazon is one of the ways people make very good money online including other platforms like YouTube and Facebook. 

Authors: Dylan Frost and Dan Meadors

Product detail 

  • 5 modules including 90 in depth videos that goes through a lot of the things you would need to know about how the formula works, video learning like this tends to be easier to follow, it gets better as you go through each module and it tends to be very flexible 
  • A Facebook group for people who have completed the course, there you can ask questions, view questions or additional resources and you can make friends or even track the progress of others to see how well you are using the course 
  • Access to a launchpad 
  • Exclusive discounts worth a few thousand dollars  
  • TWF Webinars that have been pre-recorded on various aspects of running the program
  • And more 

Good things about the course 

  • It has been updated and tweaked regularly so you are getting a real good value course for the same price that people paid a few years ago 
  • The course is available online and immediately so you can start to use it right away from wherever you are in the world as long as you have access to the right tools. It is also useful in saving shipping costs and it makes it easier to access the course using.  
  • Amazon like YouTube or even Facebook is a place where a lot of people make a lot of money compared to a regular job so getting a good program like this where you get access to a variety of tools and information you need to succeed is very good 
  • They offer flexible payment plans as well as different ways to pay which should make it accessible to most people that want it and have access to
  • Lifetime free update and access to the Facebook ensures that you get all the help you will need going forward when it comes to changes and potential updates to the way Amazon runs it processes. Given that the program is open to enrolment twice a year, you can expect to see more updates or new comments from users as more people join the program. 

Things that could be better

  • The product is only available twice a year at certain points which can make it difficult to get if you don’t get it right away and if you happen to read this post after the product closes. Typically during March and September each year for a few years now for 1 to 2 weeks.  
  • The product is also a high end product which would be unaffordable to most people especially those outside the main developed countries but they do offer a payment plan which can help to observe the costs of the course. You should also be prepared for the possibility that you would need to spend additional funds to ensure that the infrastructure and tools needed to succeed with the course are available.   
  • Depending on your level of experience, you should be prepared for the possibility that it might take a lot of time and learning to begin to see good results with the program, it is better though to follow all the steps as much as possible and to test the product to ensure that you get the best value from it. 

Bonus information 

     If you buy the wholesale formula through any of the links on this website, email info (no space between space and info when you send the email) you qualify for my bonus package which could potentially be worth a lot to you. 

     You will get access to my list of books and websites in relation to 3 other income streams that you can do as a business person (lottery, sports and a secret one) as well as other internet marketing products that can complement the information you will get from the Wholesale Formula. The list is for a limited number of people as I use it regularly to make money or to improve my skills. 

Refund policy 

     The product comes with a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product, for a product like this it is a decent amount of time to confirm if the product is right for you. Ensure you read the full details on the website to ensure you get the full details of the policy especially if you decide to get any addon products to it.  

     The wholesale formula is a course that has helped a lot of people make money on Amazon, if this is an area that you are interested you should look into the course by at least attending one of the webinars and following some of their free training. 

Thanks for reading

P.s: I might receive compensation if you click a link on this website and buy a product.